Good morning, RIPE! Editing in a single text area was very popular, that's easy and takes minimum time. Why did you kill it? I used to spend 5 minutes for editing , but now it takes more... No, definitely don't like this innovations. Thanks. Sincerely yours, Pavel Tarasov PJSC MobileTeleSystems -----Original Message----- From: noc-bounces@mtu.ru [mailto:noc-bounces@mtu.ru] On Behalf Of Jamie Stallwood Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:48 PM To: Alexander Zubkov; db-wg@ripe.net Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net Subject: Re: [members-discuss] [db-wg] ripe objects as single text field Alexander Zubkov wrote:
Edit an existing object in a single text area may be not popular, but making somewhat complex editing may me easier with it. It may be less used but not less needed. I vote for keeping single text area editing of objects. I think the easy way to reimplement it - is to add button for editing in single text area which will open "syncupdates" page with already copy-pasted text.
Or in the field-based editor, a button to convert to single-area editing. I don't mind, just bring the feature back. Kind regards Jamie Stallwood Jamie Stallwood Networks and Security Specialist Imerja Limited NIC Handle: uk.imerja.JS7259-RIPE ---- If you don't want to receive emails from the RIPE NCC members-discuss mailing list, please log in to your LIR Portal account and go to the general page: https://lirportal.ripe.net/general/ Click on "Edit my LIR details", under "Subscribed Mailing Lists". From here, you can add or remove addresses.