* Gert Doering <gert@space.net> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 07:00:01AM +0000, Lutz Donnerhacke via db-wg wrote:
Did you ever tried to correct wrong entries in the IANA whois? I did and the entries were fixed (within a period of about a year). It's certainly possible to have correct data in the IANA server. OTOH if the problem is serious enough, an IANA review can be triggered.
I'm not sure it's the community's job to review IANA data continuously and fix their DB every time a network transfer between RIRs is done.
I'm fairly sure a smart mind can come up with some solution involving computers here.
Despite your appropriate sarcasm, there are options to urge IANA to fix this automatically. The first step would be to recognise the problem at the review level. It would be helpful to start this with an ASO action on ICANN72. (*SOs are allowed to start PDPs, also known as policy changes)