At 5:20 AM -0400 4/10/01, Ray Plzak wrote:
Also, last but not least, the fact that we are making a commitment to devote resources to the maintenance and further development of the RAToolset does not mean we won't incorporate other people's development efforts into the toolset. We will just make sure we have the resources to do it.
But it doesn't ensure that you will incorporate them either. The bottom line is that where the resource controller makes the final decision based upon the organization's resource availability and its impact on the contributors to that resource, that will be the primary consideration and not necessarily those of the global users of the product.
I don't see any change from the current situation where you had to ask Cengiz nicely to make any change (and obviously firstly persuade him that it was a good idea). From my long range dealings with RIPE NCC I don't expect my dealings with them to be any different, except have the possibility of them getting more work done (and being able to divide and conquer them :-) RIPE NCC seem to have enough mechanisms in place to get feedback from their community and if they see this software as having a global constituency rather than just a RIPE one then I'm going to be a happy camper. Mark. --