MarcoH <> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 03:25:12PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> To provide such a behaviour, we need to store the information somewhere in
> the database and free-form remarks or a more generic e-mail attribute is
> IMHO not the way.

I have been caught in a story of alledged spam with an end-user customer and my experience is that ISP abuse team is at the crossroad between

- lawyer (commercial and penal one),
- wannabe hacker (coders with good programming skills and poor comprehension of the universe ;)
- end-user customer that want bad guy punished and their mails delivered (especially the unsollicited one they send),
- anti and pro spam lobby wich abhores one another
What I understood is abuse / IP problems are mostly resolved if you teach / inform / communicate correctly.

As the situation is already quite confusing and complicated I definitively want a Keep It Simple Stupid solution.
IMHO abuse-c: field wich is a valid email is Simple & Stutid (aka what I need) : as a proof of concept I can successfully "sell" it today in my company to the marketing department :)


Julien Tayon  9T