Hi Cynthia Capitalisation makes no difference, so they are all 'OtHeR'. RIR and IANA are probably self explanatory. WHITEPAGES should be (or should soon be made) redundant. It was an idea from 10+ years ago to allow 'well known figures' from the IT, Internet, network, operators communities to be represented in the RIPE Database by a PERSON object, which was not referenced by any resource objects, without it being automatically deleted. As we need to reduce personal data now we should not allow use of the database as a phone directory. cheers denis co-chair DB-WG On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 at 14:28, Cynthia Revström via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
This may have been discussed in the past but a quick search didn't yield much.
Is there any reason for why ORG-NCC1-RIPE is marked as an LIR and not an RIR? Does RIR imply another RIR?
I personally feel like marking the NCC as a member of itself is a bit odd, but honestly this is so minor so I understand if it was just not considered much.
I noticed that there is currently only one RIR org (ORG-AFNC1-RIPE) which I assume came about as a result of the ERX process. (sidenote: ORG-AFNC1-RIPE is not referenced by anything except the role object anymore, so it might be somewhat redundant at this point)
Other related info I found: Aside from the org-types of "LIR" and "OTHER" there are ~2300 orgs. There is a RIR, an IANA, and a WHITEPAGES. But the rest are "OTHER" but with differing capitalization (mainly Other and other).