In message <82fe09b3-087b-fbeb-4367-4ccebeeb3430@foobar.org>, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg wrote on 22/09/2020 20:41:
I should also mention however that I find one small bit of ISO-3166 itself objectionable. This calls for the territories known as her majesty's kingdom of Great Britian & Northern Ireland to be designated as "GB", which I personally find to be more mentally evocative of Gibraltar. Thus, I personally prefer the even more widely used designation "UK" to refer to these geographical areas.
this sounds like an ideal opportunity for you to take this up with the ISO, as national political issues are out of scope for the RIPE DB-WG!
Ummm... How can I say this most succinctly? Don't hold your breath. There are multiple reasons why THAT won't happen. For one, I am not even a European, let alone a Briton, and thus have no legitimate standing to even have any opinion on the matter which such an august body as ISO would have any obligation to pay any heed to. For another, it would be my guess that even such a simple thing as a two-letter ISO designator would, in this specific instance, be utterly fraught with complexities, not least of which being political ones. No sir! You shall not suck this parochial & naive American into thick debates over the unresolved issues of the cross-border flow of goods and persons on the Irish island post-Brexit! It's all too confusing of a conundrum for my wee little noggin. Regards, rfg