Hi, I think that the current apparent disagreement between Piet Beertema and Antonio Blasco Bonito is no real disagreement. What I think Piet objects to, is that the RIPE NCC, after querying the DNS (which in far, far too many cases is misconfigured), would take the results and automatically 1) carry out a database update in the RIPE DB 2) forward a change request to the US NIC on the basis of the DNS information I fully agree with Piet that this is a bad idea. Nevertheless, I think it is a good idea to sometimes carry out a "consistency check" between what is in the RIPE database and what is actually registered in the DNS. In that case, it would probably be nice to register "known inconsistencies" (in the vein that Piet suggested, and which is in use for eg. dec.com -- use your favourite lookup tool), so that one is not reminded of the same "error" lots of times. What I think Antonio is saying, is that it would be nice to only have to send in registration for a network to the RIPE NCC, and include the "rev-srv" attribute, and that this information could be forwarded to the US NIC for them to do the corresponding addition/change in in-addr.arpa. I also happen to agree with Antonio that this is a good idea. As for the 129.177 network, umm... :-) I'll send in an update. Regards, - Havard