Are you proposing to change the RIPE-181 version of RIPE-DB software (v2.x) or the upcoming RPSL version of RIPE-DB software (v3.x) ?
Based on - the fact that handling of person: and role: objects is not going to change too much due to RPSL or DB-SW V3, and - the fact that we have agreed on "DateX" to be April 23, 2001, and we still have to discuss the merits of Karsten's proposal, I think the implementation would only affect Version 3. Regards, Wilfried. _________________________________:_____________________________________ Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at UniVie Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : RIPE-DB: WW144, PGP keyID 0xF0ACB369 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~