Dear NCC DB working group, A brief initial comment on this NWI..
On 27 Jul 2016, at 5:44 PM, Tim Bruijnzeels <tim@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear working group,
We propose the following phased implementation outline. This is very similar to proposals presented at RIPE 71 and 72, except that we are differentiating between the import done for remaining unmigrated route(6) objects by Afrinic and the clean up in the RIPE Database more explicitly.
Phase 1: Communicate (3 months)
Phase 2: Freeze in RIPE IRR
Phase 3: Afrinic imports remaining object
Phase 4: Delete remaining objects in RIPE Database
… AFRINIC has not figured out all the finer details yet either and we still have further internal discussions to go through as well as communications with out community. But in broad strokes we’re on board with this overall outline, and working with RIPE folks. I’ll try to address some other the other points raised in this thread from my point of view too in a few following mails. My hope is that both our communities mostly agree that while getting this done is certainly work for many people covering two RIR’s staff, various larger operators globally, and probably a good many AFRINIC members, the end result will be an improved state of affairs. Regards, Daniel