28 May
28 May
7:49 p.m.
In message <b2b8aff9-8dc9-79c4-680b-eb2641d1df01@foobar.org>, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg wrote on 28/05/2021 04:10:
Given that 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z is rather well known to be the beginning of UNIX time (i.e. time: 0) I could not help but be a bit suspicious of the value in the created: field of the record shown above.
It just means that the object predates the time when the RIPE NCC started maintaining accurate logs of object creation / deletion. I.e. clerical issue - nothing suspicious.
Apologies. Bad choice of words on my part. All I meant was that I was "suspicious" that the created: date/time value could be, you know, wrong... which it self-evidently is. Regards, rfg