Hi Ronald, I do not think that this is the issue here and I think I probably agree with you and most others on the db-wg when it comes to geofeed. I think this is possibly at least in part a misunderstanding between the db-wg/db team and the ncc legal team. The purposes could change to include geodata if there is consensus to do that, but that is not the stage we are at currently. -Cynthia On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 9:39 PM Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
It is apparent to me that I shall long regret having been too busy over the past 2.5 years, just trying to survive the global pandemic, to have involved myself with the formulation of the legislation which the RIPE Database Requirements Task Force has now, apparently, set in stone.
At this point I guess it is all I can do to ask whether or not biographical sketches of the six task force members listed here:
are available online anywhere.
I am most particularly keen to know how many, if any of them, could be fairly said to have represented the interests of either law enforcement or transparency advocates.
Regards, rfg
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