In message <CAKw1M3PNf6wowiYyqEq43MaYbL7b+ZF9Cf+qXiJ-Yy5_fYiN4Q@mail.gmail.com> =?UTF-8?Q?Cynthia_Revstr=C3=B6m?= <me@cynthia.re> wrote:
Do dues-paying members want to be underwriting the use of bogon ASNs by members whose ASN registrations have lapased due to non-payment of relevant annual fees?
I feel like that is not what we are trying to discuss here and is outside our scope, maybe in the scope of AP-WG. (I don't know if this is in their scope though tbh)
Regretably, I'm forced to take issue with your framing of these matters. In the first place, who are you speaking for when you say "we"? Is that the royal "we"? Hank expressed some interest in seeing a further breakdown of the data I've posted, which encompases -all- route/route6 records in the data base that evidentally refer to ASNs that simply are not assigned by any RIR to any resource member, globally. I've suggested how he could pretty easily glean that information from what I've provided. Until your post however I haven't noticed anyone else who thinks that it is of any value to distinguish mere crap from super extra deluxe double crap. It's all crap. I'm not sure what part of this is either confusing or in the least bit ambiguous. Let me frame this another way... Is it not the purpose of the RIRs to assign numbers to specific parties and then and thereafter to beg, cajole, and encourage everyone to stay in their own assigned lanes? If the number 1 job of the RIRs is not to at least try to bring order out of what would otherwise be chaos then I would ask: What then IS their fundamental purpose? Right now RIPE is effectively endorsing the chaos of people and companies just willy nilly selecting AS numbers at random, and according to whim, and then creating route objects IN THE RIPE DATA BASE for those. All I can say is "Thank God people don't feel equally free to ignore the rules and drive on whichever side of the road they feel like driving on on any particular day!"
So could we please look at data for reserved ASNs (not unallocated ASNs) without trying to argue that any bogon is a bogon.
By all means. I provided the data for all route objects currently present in both the AUTH and NONAUTH data bases which reference some bogon ASN. The format of all of the lines in those data files was and is as simple as it was (and is) obvious: <datestamp> <CIDR> <ASN> If you wish to filter the data I provided so as to generate lists that only mention some subset of all of the globally unassigned ASNs that are mentioned in those lists, then by all means, be my guest. I think it could be done in about 15 lines of Perl, tops. Personally however, as noted above, I don't really see the point, and I do believe that I'd rather spend (waste?) my time arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Bogons are bogons. Bogons delenda est. Regards, rfg