Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 17:34:17 MET From: "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <Wilfried.Woeber@cc.univie.ac.at>
I'm reluctant to let go of the well-established use of the country: attribute.
I'm looking forward to the time when we might have more flexible selection criteria for the DB, and I think loosing country information isn't a good idea.
My idea was just because I think that it is already more important to which registry/provider a network belongs than to which country, unless you want to introduce Internet customs based on country borders ;-) Anyhow, of course it should be kept if there is any use for it ! But I don't think that introducing an additional provider *attribute* within the inetnum object will need the design-work for a provider *object* to be finished. The only thing that should be finished is the decision about the provider IDs which will be used as a DB key. Ok, let's finish this sidestep and find a solution for the country attribute. Regards Christian