==> From: Marten Terpstra
Victor Reijs <Victor.Reijs@SURFnet.nl> writes * Hello all of you, * * Below you find the DRAFT entries for CLNS domain for SURFnet bv. There are * still some open ends: * - I introduced the guardian list: clns-domain-guardian. This because the I
* and CLNS guardians coudl be different persons/organisations. What is the * idea of RIPE for this?
I am not quite sure what you mean here, every object with a guardian can contain a different mailbox, has nothing to do with mailing lists.
Oke, so the name clns-domain-guardian@nic.surfnet.nl is allowed?
* - I changed the responsibility of entry with relation to my earlier mail. * It now seems to be more alligned with the existing IP world.
Not quite sure what you mean here.
First I had the domain 38.528f.1100 owned by NNI, but after some discussion it seems better to have this entry owned by SURFnet bv. That is the change in 'reponsibility of entry' from my earlier document.
* - Marcel, are you still pushing ISO to include the top-levels of NSAP * domains in the RIPe database? Together with the DUtch NSO (NNI) we could * jointly put presure on ISO.
Currently the database does not accept anything smaller than xx.xxxx as a prefix. If you want this changed, let me know.
I think that we should change this. Any other ideas???
* dom-prefix: 39.528f * ... dom-name should be one word, will be used as a key. So, if you switch the first line of your descr with the dom-name, it will work nicely.
Henk, could you change your document about this? dom-name is a text string in your doc.
Also desc should be descr, admin-c AND tech-c are mandatory
Perhaps it is important to say in the document of Henk, that these fields are mandatory. All the best, Victor