Hi, just a small comment:
3. The Basic Procedure
For each of the guarded attributes detailed above, a list of all networks having this attribute is kept separately from the general database itself. These lists (also called `guarded files') will be maintained and be served as the `only' source of membership informa- tion used in the database. Normal database updates `never' change these attributes. If an update includes such an attribute and a discrepancy between the values in the update and those in the data- base is found, a diagnostic message will be sent to the originator of the update and the guarded value(s) will not be affected.
What about the rest of the attributes if the object contains a mismatched guarded field? Will they be updated, or will the whole object be rejected (I assume the latter). I assume the answer to this question will be evident when I produce the first "guarded-reject" update, but it would be nice to have this stated clearly in the text as well. I have no other comments -- this looks good as far as I can see. - Havard