
Based on the proposal by Tim for NWI-5 and the following discussions, the DB-WG co-chairs would like the RIPE NCC to schedule implementation of the following actions:

-Remove the ASN authorisation requirement for ROUTE(6) object creation
-Deprecate the "mnt-routes:" attribute in the AUT-NUM object
-Remove the 'pending object creation' functionality for route creation
-Create the source 'RIPE-NONAUTH'
-Move all ROUTE(6) objects relating to non RIPE managed address space to this new source (pending eventual deletion after further discussion)
-Move all non ripe managed AUT-NUM objects to this new source (pending eventual deletion after further discussion)
-Adjust the query service as suggested in Tim's proposal
-Disallow creation of any new AUT-NUM or ROUTE(6) objects in the RIPE Database for non RIPE managed resources, but allow existing objects to be modified or deleted
-Remove the "mnt-routes:" attribute from all the placeholder INET(6)NUM objects in the RIPE Database for non RIPE managed address space
-Delete the MNTNER object with the public password ('fixing' any other database objects that may refer to it)
-Update all documentation to reflect the new processes
-Ensure that the inter RIR transfer process for resources moving into the RIPE managed address space does not allow the transfer of ROUTE(6) objects from source RIPE-NONAUTH to source RIPE without the agreement of the resource holder

Denis & William
co-chairs DB-WG