We would be quite happy for the maintainer field to be mandatory in the domain, inetnum and person objects, and also, I would venture in the route, and as-macro object (since they are used by many to automatically build filter lists) Nigel On 07-Sep-99 Chris Ottrey wrote:
Work here at the NCC on the Re-Implementation Project (RIP), is well under way.
We have been looking closely at the existing definitions of objects incorporating them into our new design.
We thought that now might be a good time for getting ideas on any changes in the object definitions that the wg would like to see.
Eg. - "mandatory" mnt_by field in domain - "mandatory" mnt_by field in inetnum - "mandatroy" mnt_by field in person
(instead of the current - "optional".)
(Eg. to provide some sort of indication of how much protection users have against someone else deleting all their domains. Some users may not even realize that it is possible.)
Existing object definitions can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/db/reimp/design/er/er_whois.html
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A ,-._|\ Chris Ottrey \_ / Oz \ At work in Amsterdam, \_,--._/ ottrey@ripe.net +31 20 535 4444 -=-=-=-=-=-v-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
--- Tel: +44 171 864 4450 Fax: +44 171 864 4488 Well I'm disenchanted too. We're all disenchanted (James Thurber)