Hi, I am generally in support of this policy, however I do wonder why publish legal names of individuals in the cases of natural persons holding resources? Like why can't it just be some alias and the real name needs to be requested from the RIPE NCC by court order or whatever would be required for physical addresses under this proposal. While my name is a bad example, there are plenty of names that are extremely common, and if all that is published is the name and country, is it really all that useful? It is not like knowing that it is someone in the United States with the name "Joe Smith" is particularly useful on its own to know who it is. But on the other hand in such cases it is not a big privacy problem I suppose. However with a name like mine it is a privacy concern as my name is not exactly common. I would like to hear what the reason would be for requiring this to be published if it is either kinda pointless information or still a big privacy issue. Also I have a kinda Sweden-specific question about the following part (from 1.0 Organisations):
personal address for the organisation which is already in the public domain in a national, public, business registry.
In Sweden there are multiple private organizations that publish home addresses for almost everyone in the country by combining some quirks of the freedom of the press act and government transparency. Would this count according to that, and as such would you say it is okay to publish the personal addresses for almost everyone in Sweden? The government doesn't directly publish this information, people have no right to demand to be excluded but it is still public. The important thing here though imo is that these websites generally are a lot harder to scrape than the RIPE Database. Also what if it was an address that was kinda public but you had to create an account and agree to not re-publish it elsewhere, would that make it okay or not okay to publish? Or what if that address is published somewhere, but not linked to that person's name, maybe it is linked to some unrelated legal entity that is on the same address, would that make it okay to publish? I think it would be a lot easier to just say that personal addresses should never be published. Just because it is already somewhere on the internet doesn't mean that the RIPE Database has to spread it further. -Cynthia On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 11:29 AM Angela Dall'Ara via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2022-01, "Personal Data in the RIPE Database" is now available for discussion.
The goal of this proposal is to allow the publication of verified Personal Data in the RIPE Database only when they are justified by its purpose.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2022-01
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the WG Chairs, will decide how to proceed with the proposal.
The PDP document can be found at: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-710
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to db-wg@ripe.net before 8 June 2022.
Kind regards,
Angela Dall'Ara Policy Officer RIPE NCC
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