+1 ... in CAPITAL LETTERS too. Regards, Peter Thimmesch ------------------------------ hic sunt dracones On Jun 13, 2018, at 7:12 PM, Job Snijders via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net<mailto:db-wg@ripe.net>> wrote: On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 10:56 AM, Lu Heng <h.lu@anytimechinese.com<mailto:h.lu@anytimechinese.com>> wrote: Internet is one, and this is a general problem of all Afrinic space, just don’t make it personal please. I didn't intend to make anything personal, so phrased differently: What you highlight is ultimately a problem between AfriNIC members and the AfriNIC organisation. I hope Afrinic fix it rather soon that way every thing works, until then, prevent network change is one way of breaking it. I am sympathetic, but RIPE has no obligation to keep a glaring security hole open to accommodate another RIR's lack of expedience. As I mentioned at the microphone at the last DB-WG session, right now I can simply register ALL not-yet-registered IP space in the RIPE NCC database and in doing so lock out anyone else from making any registrations for non-RIPE-managed space. There is nothing in place to stop anyone from doing so, this would immediately fix the security problem. I hope this both illustrates the size of the security hole and the problem of any business process relying on the existence of the hole. Kind regards, Job