4 Jun
4 Jun
9:07 a.m.
Sebastian and all, On 03/06/2019 16.30, Sebastian Wiesinger via db-wg wrote:
* Cynthia Revström via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> [2019-06-01 06:31]:
it wouldn't really work for maintainers, as it becomes a recursive loop. mnt-1 wants to edit mnt-2's object, mnt-2 can't add mnt-1 and mnt-1 can't add mnt-2 to mnt-ref...
Okay, let's say authorization is done wherever feasible. :)
You can include any number of authentications in a database update, so in principle this should not be a problem. However, if using SSO stuff then the server would need to provide a way for multiple authentications to a single update. Maybe it already does (I don't represent an LIR so I've never actually used that...)? Cheers, -- Shane