Hi David, May I ask what the reasoning behind contacting you directly is? It seems quite strange and lacking in transparency to me. -Cynthia On Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 01:25 David Tatlisu via db-wg, <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
********************************************************************************** Please DO NOT reply to this message if you wish to propose a volunteer.
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to volunteer for the role of the co-chair of the RIPE Database working group. We will have two seats to fill at RIPE 88. Anyone can volunteer for this role. You can also nominate others.
Please send a mail to db-wg-volunteers@tatlisu.eu before 22 April. Please DO NOT send your name directly to the DB WG mailing list.
Please include your motivation and any ideas you might have for the future of the RIPE Database WG.
I will then publish the list of volunteers to this mailing list no later than 24 April. Any statements of support on the mailing list are welcome. However, the selection will take place during the DB WG session at RIPE 88.
You can find a job description for RIPE WG Chairs here:
You can find an e-learning course about the role and responsibilities of RIPE Working Chairs here:
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about the role or the process.
Kind regards, David RIPE DB WG co-chair
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