Hi Marcel, I just want to start out by saying that the working groups are not a support channel and this more routing than anything db related. But with regards to your case, according to ripestat the prefixes are announced by 2 ASNs but overall have 100% visibility (99% for the v6). I am guessing any issues are most likely due to the other announcement. -Cynthia On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 09:07 Marcel Zimmer via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Good morning dear community,
it is an honor to be part of it :)
We have applied for and been assigned our own AS at the beginning of the year (AS212033). Since yesterday the link to the first peering partner Lumen (AS3356) is available and the following networks should be announced:
IPv6 2a10:5dc0::/32
the corresponding routing objects sid created - so far so good :)
Now yesterday I could observe the following:
The first routers processed quite fast the Ipv4 routes and yesterday evening we had the following picture while looking glass of the Ipv4 and ipv6 network.
Since then, somehow nothing happens.
Do you have a tip for me where I should go troubleshooting?
Marcel Zimmer