o freebsd 4.9-stable, quite recent o all ports just rebuilt o wanted to do a clean fresh install of whois 3.2.0, as i could not successfully convert This should be possible with the suggestion I've just sent.
yep. but, the time zone skew ...
o successful build o successful install
conf/rip.config same as used for 3.1.1 excpt did emacs diff merge to get the syntax changes
conf/sources.rip same as used for 3.1.1 except added trx_support: n
in mysql, i deleted both databases, RIPADMIN and dbrgnet
/scripts# ./make_db -c ../conf/rip.config -s RGNET -0 Error: Non-existent database "dbrgnet" referenced !!! died: +792 ca_sourceLoader.c Segmentation fault (core dumped) ************** ERROR *************** *** 05:19:01 unknown source RGNET ************************************
Could you please send <dbrip@ripe.net> (only to <dbrip@ripe.net>) the config files you have (../conf/rip.config and /usr/home/whois/conf/sources.config ). Please obfuscate the passwords in them.
thanks for the help! randy