In message <YrGpxfGzwKmgokav@jima.tpb.net>, Niels Bakker <niels=dbwg@bakker.net> wrote:
* Ronald F. Guilmette [Tue 21 Jun 2022, 08:14 CEST]: [..]
denis contends that this makes RIPE responsible in some way, presumably legally, for the publication of the relevant PII and that thus it is RIPE that is violating GDPR... and on a grand scale.
I disagree entirely, and apparently you do also.
You're misunderstanding the problem statement on two levels. RIPE NCC currently offers no way out of publishing information that people may want to keep private...
I'm sorry to disagree, but that is just not accurate, as denis himself has previously noted: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2022-June/007467.html "Many people do use a PO box or misleading addresses, as mentioned by Europol in their video." And the methods via which some party could have a "way out of publishing information that people may want to keep private" are by no means limited to just using P.O. boxes, as denis has also previously noted. Specifically, as denis noted, any member may at any time (and many do): "enter false data into an unverified, unchecked, mandatory field they don't want to fill in." https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2022-June/007463.html On the basis of denis's own prior statement therefore your assertion that parties need need a new way to acomplish the stated objective is demonstratably false. That in turn leads me to reiterate what I've already asserted, i.e. that the present proposal is a solution in search of a problem. Regards, rfg