Dear all, There have been concerns lately about e-mail addresses in the "changed" fields being used to send unsolicited e-mail messages. Please review this discussions in the mailing archives. Archives for the RIPE mailing lists are available at http://www/info/maillists.html After deliberations in the db-wg mailing list, the RIPE NCC suggests the implementation of the following changes: - By default changed fields won't be shown in queries. - These fields can be retrieved using a query option (whois -c). - These fields will not be compared against incoming data when deleting the object. The RIPE NCC would appreciate comments on the mentioned changes before implementation begins. The comment period will be a week since the posting of this message. Please direct your comments directly to the RIPE NCC using the ripe-dbm@ripe.net mailbox. The changes will be implemented in the next release of the RIPE DB code, due July 15th, 1998. Best regards, Joao Damas RIPE DB group RIPE NCC