+1 Andreas Larsen IP-Only AB | Postadress: 753 81 UPPSALA | Besöksadress Uppsala: S:t Persg 6 Besöksadress Stockholm: N Stationsg 69 | Vxl: +46 18 843 10 00 | Mobil +46 70 843 10 56 www.ip-only.se 15 apr 2014 kl. 15:31 skrev Job Snijders <job@instituut.net>:
Dear DB Working Group,
Assessing the "freshness" of database objects can be a useful component in many business processes, but as it stands today the "changed:" attribute is severely crippled:
Eleanor:~ job$ whois -h whois.ripe.net AS15562 | grep changed Eleanor:~ job$ whois -h whois.radb.net AS15562 | grep changed changed: unread@ripe.net 20000101 Eleanor:~ job$
Fantastic! Now we are absolutely none the wiser. :-)
I propose that we introduce a new attribute called "last-modified" as a replacement for functionality offered by past implementations of "changed:".
The "last-modified" attribute is set by the whois server software and represents the date and time at which the last succesful modification was received by the server. When a user submits an update for an object in which the attribute is present, the server software will ignore the attribute, insert its own attribute with the current time, and present a warning to the user that the user's version of "last-modified" was ignored. The "last-modified" attribute should be presented by the server software in all types of objects (autnums, poems, etc) for which the server is responsible (e.g. do not touch foreign or mirrored objects).
The date and time are represented following the ISO 8601 [1] profile for complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds, always expressed in UTC, including the special UTC designator 'Z'. The "last-modified" attribute should be presented above, but close to the "source:" attribute.
The advantage is that the date and time are both human readable and computer parsable!
A valid example "last-modified" attribute would be:
last-modified: 2014-04-15T13:15:30Z
I look forward to the group's feedback! Also, I'm interested in how people would use this attribute in their workflows or automation.
Kind regards,
[1] - https://xkcd.com/1179/