There is no reason why those systems can't inter-operate (establish a SIP relationship) but I wonder if either registro.br or nic.br would take on the burden of adding all of the RIPE NCC membership onto their systems. the RIPE NCC has established contact procedures with its members that would make it easier for both the system administrator (the NCC or some party if contracts to) and the users to keep things working. Joao On 13 Aug 2007, at 23:04, Leo Vegoda wrote:
On 13 Aug 2007, at 21:43, Joao Damas wrote:
SIP would be a good generic form of contact, I agree. Perhaps, taking things one step further the RIPE NCC could set up an INOC- DBA thing among its members, by providing the actual sip phones and setting up a SIP server, like registro.br does for anyone who is issued an ASN by them in Brazil. It being a "closed" set of phones (the device, or SIP sw, needs to be registered with the server, it addresses most of the spam problem and it ties together the set of people who would benefit from operational coordination capabilities)
Why would it be more advantageous to have a RIPE NCC only system, rather than join the existing INOC-DBA or registro.br systems?
Leo Vegoda