Good Morning all!

We'd like to give you some insight into the use of historical queries.

We counted all the 'list-versions' and 'show-version' queries since January this year.
We categorise the queries in: resources, organisation and others.

- We found an average of a total of 50k historical queries per month between January and April.
The average of total queries increased in these last two months (June and May) with an average of 90k.
- We found an average of 23k resources (Ipv4, IPv6, ASN) historical queries per month between January and April.
The average of these historical queries increases to 42k in May and June.
- We found an average of 26k organisation historical queries per month between January and April.
The average of these historical queries increases to 48k in May and June.
- We found an insignificant amount of other object types (<300 queries) per month.

Miguel Herrán