Hey there DB-WG, Apologies in advance if this is the wrong mailing list for this. I noticed that the RIPE DB Query UI automatically deduplicates entries (i.e. multiple instances of an ASN in an AS-SET only appears once) through the webUI, however when queried through whois on any modem operating system the entry shows the raw data including the duplicates within it. I'm a bit curious as to how this is done, and whether it's possible/planned to have the same functionality implemented in the WHOIS back-end that RIPE uses. Regards, Peter Potvin | Executive Director ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Accuris Technologies Ltd.* 56A Mill St E, Unit #470, Acton, ON L7J 1H3 Canada Email: peter.potvin@accuristechnologies.ca Office: +1 (877) 352-6105 Network Operations Center: +1 (877) 321-1662