Dear Manasvi,

We are in the process of deploying a new release of Whois software, the web interface and the Test Whois service. Due to some minor obstacles that affect the Test service, (which you already observed) we expect to finish the deployment tomorrow.

Kind regards,
Theodoros Polychniatis
Software Engineer
RIPE Database Team

On 23/11/15 17:18, PRANEETH, MANASVI wrote:



I have created a maintainer EIPAM-MNT for testing the ripe rest in Test system.

But looks like the query/update function is not working through rest Interface.

Can you confirm whether the RIPE REST is working for TEST database.


Request sent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>



        <object type="INET6NUM">

            <source id="TEST"/>


                <attribute name="inet6num" value="2001:1be0:1000:1e::/64"/>

                <attribute name="netname" value="EIPAMGUYATT"/>

                <attribute name="descr" value="EIPAMGUYATT"/>

                <attribute name="country" value="US"/>

                <attribute name="admin-c" value="EP1-TEST"/>

                <attribute name="tech-c" value="EP1-TEST"/>

                <attribute name="status" value="ASSIGNED"/>

                <attribute name="mnt-by" value="EIPAM-MNT"/>

                <attribute name="mnt-lower" value="TEST-DBM-MNT"/>

                <attribute name="source" value="TEST"/>






Response received:

Errormessage part:


      <errormessage severity="Error" text="Authorisation for [%s] %s failed

using &quot;%s:&quot;

no valid maintainer found


         <args value="inet6num"/>

         <args value="2001:1be0:1000:1e::/64"/>

         <args value="mnt-by"/>

         <args value=""/>


      <errormessage severity="Error" text="The maintainer '%s' was not found in the database">

         <args value="EIPAM-MNT"/>


      <errormessage severity="Error" text="Unknown object referenced %s">

         <attribute name="tech-c" value="EP1-TEST"/>

         <args value="EP1-TEST"/>


      <errormessage severity="Error" text="Unknown object referenced %s">

         <attribute name="mnt-by" value="EIPAM-MNT"/>

         <args value="EIPAM-MNT"/>


      <errormessage severity="Error" text="Unknown object referenced %s">

         <attribute name="admin-c" value="EP1-TEST"/>

         <args value="EP1-TEST"/>


      <errormessage severity="Info" text="To create the first person/mntner pair of objects for an organisation see"/>





Manasvi praneeth Nannapaneni

INSTAR-EIPAM Development/office:(636) 544-5448/