Dear all, lately I get messages from the RIPE database when querying it with whois that there are too many hits, e.g: jade$ whois -h whois.ripe.net "Stefan Anders" The index search returned too many hits. Please refine your search key. I had a look at the database and there are exactly three entries which contain the string "Stefan Anders": jade$ grep "Stefan Anders" ripe.db.pn *pn: Stefan Andersson *pn: Stefan Anders *pn: K A Stefan Andersson Does not seem to be a lot, does it? Is this an error of the database software or is it an indexing problem (there have been other problems reported on the indexing software in the last weeks...)? Regards Joachim _______________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Joachim Schmitz schmitz@rus.uni-stuttgart.de DFN Network Operation Center Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Stuttgart ++ 711 685 5576 voice Allmandring 30 ++ 711 678 7626 FAX D-70550 Stuttgart FRG (Germany) _______________________________________________________________________________