Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg wrote on 11/06/2021 22:19:
Could you please post the 5 URLs for those 5 RIR delegated stats files?
There's a convention. Each RIR has a short name: afrinic apnic arin lacnic ripencc and a stats ftp directory: ftp://ftp.afrinic.net ftp://ftp.apnic.net/public/apnic ftp://ftp.arin.net/pub ftp://ftp.lacnic.net/pub ftp://ftp.ripe.net/pub Inside each of these stats directories, the delegated files are in: $ftpdir/stats/$shortname/delegated-$shortname-extended-latest The transfer files are in: $ftpdir/stats/$shortname/transfers/transfers_latest.json e.g. for APNIC, the extended stats file is in:
for RIPE NCC, the transfer file is: