Note the hierarchical naming convention for poetic-form objects, all verse
I have a few maintenance questions. Although my colleagues are technically competent, they have not been hired for their literary skills(*). So although the RIPE DB staff will technically maintain the poetic-form: we still need a mechanism to ensure the quality of the "poetic-form" objects. Will RIPE NCC staff need to contact a secret cabal for quality control? Alternatively, will we skip quality control and act on first come first served (serious security considerations: culprits might specify a Haiku in the form of a Dada poem)? Or should a poetic-form first be discussed by the db-wg? I'd settle for the first option, a secret cabal... I may just know an institution that could perform this task. The classification scheme may also need some work. How do we classify the different forms? Would the Aphorism have its own class or is it a subclass of PROSE? In absence of the review process. Hereby a new proposal poetic-form: PROSE-APHORISM descr: A database entry to be remembered by admin-c: OK65-RIPE tech-c: OK65-RIPE mnt-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT and poetic-form: VERSE-HAIKU descr: The haiku object descr: only seven syllables descr: in its density admin-c: OK65-RIPE tech-c: OK65-RIPE mnt-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT -- Olaf (*) I am sure I lost credit with my colleagues with this remark but these are matters of high public interest. ---------------------------------| Olaf M. Kolkman ---------------------------------| RIPE NCC