In message <CAKvLzuE=GYLG9dD-A6+teEF9UG-p+CJVqbfEJYW4VJuzq6qZjw@mail.gmail.com
, denis walker <ripedenis@gmail.com> wrote:
Throughout this and other discussions you constantly use unprofessional language and personal insults and make unsubstantiated accusations.
You don't call a spade a spade, you call a spade a "privacy fetishist" and an "extremist".
It *is* extremist to propose to destroy 20+ years of smooth functioning precedent, all just for the sake of one or two malcontents and/or due to some misunderstandings of what GDPR actually requires. I am still stunned that you ever proposed this! Don't law enforcement and private security researchers already have a hard enough time without you prosing to dismantle and take away one of the few tools we have left??
If you feel I have been unprofessional in my approach to you then by all means raise a code of conduct issue. I will happily defend my position.
So you DO NOT think that you have a conflict of interest, even when you are pushing -your- pet proposals to the top of the stack, and even while you are either ignoring or denigrating mine? And you think that being the Working Group chair -and- an advocate for -just- your own proposals is altogether right and proper?
Otherwise please try to conduct this discussion in a professional manner without the personal insults and accusations.
I haven't insulted anybody. I have spoken the truth. Your personal biases are not permitting you to see the difference. I ask again: Where is the crowd of people who have requested this attempt to further hobble the data base? Bring forth this multitude and let us all talk to them! You can't, because it's just you and one small member. That's the tail wagging the dog, and yes, I call it extremism because you are proposing to dismantle a whole system (WHOIS) that has already been honed and refined over 20+ years and that remains a productive and useful tool, not just in the RIPE region but in -all- regions. Regards, rfg