On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:46:14PM +0100, Job Snijders wrote:
I think this may be a bit over cautious for this object type.
When none of the other participants in this thread have objections to a 'fast phase-out', I will not persue a more cautious approach for this attribute. :-)
Although I'm quite happy to move forward with this case without any unnecessary steps/hassle, I would like to avoid such discussions like this one from last year about urgent release of RIPE DB software. And yes - this is over cautious from my side. ;-)
The MNTNER object is not created, update or queried as often as operational data. And it is one of the least likely objects to be subject to automated scripts creating or querying & fully parsing it. Because of the hidden password hash, most MNTNER objects can only be fully accessed by an authenticated lookup in Webupdates. This takes care of issues surrounding a missing, previously mandatory, attribute.
I agree.
So for this object maybe we can:
-drop referral-by to an optional attribute with warning if used. Of course it will follow our now standard deployment process. -send the reminders to the DB WG after 1 and 2 months -deprecate the attribute fully after 2 months
Would it be possible to monitor the amount of creations/updates to MNTER objects which contain a 'referral-by' attribute from the moment the attribute becomes optional and generates soft warning?
Good idea. Piotr -- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail: Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl