You are right, we are moving only domain objects. The person objects will remain in the RIPE Database for several months.
and how will person:s work? in general, i am confused about this. e.g. whois -h dom.ain causes a referral to a domain: object with a tech-c: of <handle>-RIPE, or is it <handle>-DENIC? if the former, <handle>-RIPE then it would seem that either o all the person:s stay at ripe database, or o the person:s are mirrored from denic database to ripe database if the latter, <handle>-DENIC, then it would seem that either o all the person:s are mirrored in the ripe database, or o the above whois query will not be able to show the requestor the person:s in general there is a problem of duplication (or lack thereof as ripe seems uninclined to mirror any data except radb and apnic) as oposed to referral for handles. i am trying to understand the best practice we can muster now and what we might do in the future. for the curious, i run the RGNET database at the purpose is twofold, referree for some cctlds and my routing data. radb mirrors these data but ripe does not. i am confused whether i am rb366 or rb366-arin, and in how many databases i need to maintain the person:s. randy