This is the 1st proposal of a draft agenda for the Database-WG at RIPE 24 in Berlin. **Message to the NCC WG scheduling department: If at all possible - please have the DB-WG meeting slot(s) scheduled near the end of the WG stream(s). Thank you! Apologies if I missed something obvious... As usual, comments, additions, deletions welcome. See you, Wilfried. PS: Please don't be disappointed if I don't respond for the next few days, I'll be back in the office by Sat.20.4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draft Agenda: Database-WG, RIPE 24, Amsterdam, NL ------------------------------------------------------ A. Administrative stuff - volunteering of the scribe - WG-agenda bashing B. DB-SW status report by the RIPE NCC - changes since RIPE 23 - experience with new features C. RADBServer report by Gerald Winters (Merit) D. Review of proposed changes in Europe and North America - active proposals - list of activities and/or implementation - priorities and/or resposibilty for development - coordination (if any :-) E. User interfaces - progress with WAIS integration Y. Input from other WGs Z. AOB Draft 1.0, 11-APR-1996, WW. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~