Hi, I am sorry for the delayed response but I object to removing that constraint. It feels problematic to me from a privacy perspective, and it feels like the last deletion point is a fair balance between providing useful info and not providing too much info. I don't think this restriction should be removed, at least not without a very good reason to do so. -Cynthia On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 1:32 PM denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
When I wrote the spec for historical queries, almost 10 years ago, I included an arbitrary constraint to only show history back to the most recent deletion point. This was to get something in production quickly and see how useful it was. Over the years several people have asked for this arbitrary constraint to be removed. No one has objected to removing it. The co-chairs therefore recommend that this arbitrary constraint be removed. The co-chairs now ask the RIPE NCC to produce an impact analysis and implementation plan to remove it. We will then seek a final approval from the community on the plan.
cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
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