Hello Working Group, As you all know, the Database Working Group uses a different process from other working groups, and have Numbered Work Items instead of Policy Development Process. We've had many Items on the list, and some have been there since we created the NWI process. So, the Chairs have decided that we need to go through and clean up the list so we can complete the items we wish to complete. For this round, we'd like us to review two NWIs that are similar to each other. https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/db/numbered-work-items/ NWI-2 - Displaying history for database objects where available NWI-17 - Historical data We ask the working group to discuss these two Items and decide if the WG can confirm the problem statements and provide feedback if either of these Items are still a problem that should be persued. We ask for discussion on list until Friday July 5th. Peter Hessler on behalf of the Database WG Chairs