The following was stated in the db-wg session just now (https://ripe80.ripe.net/archives/video/377/ @ 1:03): «Phase 2 was user defined authentication groups. Nobody objected to this, but really only the proposer actually said it was a good idea.» This is categorically false. I did not propose this, nor did I think it was a particularly useful feature (at least not to myself). For the record, the thread where I proposed this feature starts here: https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum/db-wg/PGExMTJhNDAyLWUxYTAtZDhlNS... I believe it was Nick Hilliard who initially came up with the group idea: https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum/db-wg/PGExMTJhNDAyLWUxYTAtZDhlNS... While I did not have any objections per se to this feature being implemented as well, I did voice a concern that it would constitute feature creep that would potentially complicate the implementation of the core of my proposal (which in the end was implemented as phase 1, fortunately): https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum/db-wg/PGExMTJhNDAyLWUxYTAtZDhlNS... So let me for the record categorically state that I do not care about the user defined authentication groups phase of NWI-8. I am perfectly happy with the already implemented phase 1, as that covers everything I ever wanted from the «magic maintainer» proposal of mine that eventually became NWI-8. Tore