Dear Pior,

It indeed seems like we overlooked the second instance of the help text ( I’ve reopened the issue and will task the team to fix it. You can track the progress here:

Thanks for your thorough investigation! :-)

Kind regards,

Johan Åhlén
Asst. Manager Database

On 25 Mar 2014, at 21:42, Piotr Strzyzewski <> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 06, 2014 at 03:16:26PM +0100, Denis Walker wrote:

Dear Denis

The RIPE Database release 1.71 that was deployed to production this week
was prepared in the beginning of December. Any issues reported
afterwards that were not critical for the user were scheduled to be
fixed in version 1.72, which we were working on at that time.

Right now, another 1.5 month after your mail and 3 months after my
initial raport I have read about the new release of RIPE Database. As
pointed above, the release 1.72 should contain any issues reported in
the meantime that were not critical for the user and due to that fact
were not included in the 1.71 release.

It seems that the mistake with person-name is still not corrected.
That's why I was then so sceptical about this kind of statements. :(

I have to admit that this error is probably still not corrected due to
the fact that the patch was only applied to the
and has not been applied to the
file. If this is the case, this means that there is a flaw in the
testing procedure and no-one have checked if the patch (hope that only
this one) is correct.

Moreover - the community was assured that the mistake with description
of Error 108 will be fixed shortly. It seems that it hasn't been fixed

Best regards,

gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski