I'm sure Randy will now be able to complete his update.
i did. [ separate subject: why should i bother maintaining a copy of my objects in ripe too, when they are already in one of the 18 other irr servers? ]
However, please allow me to comment that the error message should in all probability be improved. The "meat" of the error message doesn't mention the actual "keyword" or reference which is in error, it merely said:
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored
which seems to imply that it interpreted "as3130" as a keyword, and
***Error: Unknown object referenced
which doesn't actually point towards which reference it is complaining about.
bingo! i kept (emacs) searching for occurances of 'as3130', looking for other diagnostics, ... i sent the message back to ripe-dmb and had all weekend to stare at the darned thing while waiting for a reply, and nada, nicht, zippo. so i posted the message to db-wg@ripe.net, and had an answer in five minutes or less. FYI, Peter Koch was first in my mailbox, but i have not compared sender timestamps and don't know if the sending machines run ntp anyway:-). thanks all. randy