Thor, On 2003-10-30 21:41:54 +0200, Thor Kottelin wrote:
I would therefore like to suggest making the "e-mail" attribute mandatory for the "person" object.
This is a straightforward change. One issue is what to do with existing person objects that doe not have an "e-mail:" attribute. The most straightforward solution is to make no change to the objects, but to prevent new or modified person objects without "e-mail:".
If this isn't acceptable, then maybe at least one of the "person" or "role" objects referred to by an "inetnum" object should carry an "e-mail" attribute.
Additionally, in order to enhance address validity, I would like to suggest performing some kind of validation on these "e-mail" attribute values - perhaps simple syntax checking, or maybe even full round-trip SMTP testing, or something in between.
The Database software does do some syntax checking, but only to verify that the address looks something like an RFC 2822 address. We can do varying degrees of checking, based on the same ideas presented here: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-45/presentations/ripe45-db-contact-da... Personally, I would prefer that when an error is detected in a contact address during an update that a clear warning be put in the acknowledgement message. This allows for update with e-mail that is experiencing transient delivery problems. However, if this group feels strongly it will be possible to reject the update. -- Shane Kerr RIPE NCC