Dear RIPE DBWG, ...comments below, inline, please! Le jeudi 26 janvier 2023, Ángel González Berdasco via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
26-01-2023 17:46 +0100, Sylvain Baya wrote:
Le mardi 24 janvier 2023, denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
Most people seem to assume it can be reliably used for geolocation purposes. That would be the most obvious use case for this attribute. Entering an optional value would signify that all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country defined by the code. Where the addresses are used in multiple countries, it may be possible to show this at the assignment object level. Otherwise the optional country: attribute could be omitted and the geolocation information would be determined by the geofeed: attribute.
Hi Denis, Thanks for your email, brother!
imho: ...no need to ommit it; if it's possible to (i) interpret country: attribute values as default, when it exist, for INET(6)NUM objects without geofeed: attribute values; and (ii) give priority to geofeed: attribute values against country: ones.
Shalom, --sb.
I understand the proposal as already doing this: geofeed would have priority over country.
The point is: If the country attribute means 'all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country', what else could you do when that's not the case?
Angel, Maybe the 'ZZ' or 'AA' ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes could serve out there? ...imho: 1| publish the right location; 2| add a geofeed: attribute to share it properly; 3| leave the whole system do its 'magic'; 4| enjoy! ;-) ...btw, i remind that you can actually have mutiple entries of different values for the country: attribute within the same inet(6)num object :-) country: [mandatory] [multiple] [ ] geofeed: [optional] [single] [ ]
You have to modify the value to allow something else than ISO country codes (e.g. allow an optional trailing asterisk to the country code to mean not all really fall in that country)
...i'm not sure it's needed, though :-/ Why not simply keep that attribute without value? Remember! ...in the proposal it would be optional :-) & might become meaningless when multiple locations are served...particularly when there is only a single value for the given country: attribute... ...note that, ISO 3166-2 [*] codes could be allowed too! :-/ __ [*]: ISO - ISO 3166-2:2020 - Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code <https://www.iso.org/standard/72483.html>
The only case I can think were you could use a ISO 3166-1 with the above meaning of "all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country defined by the code" (loosening it somewhat), but still being on different countries would be when using the exceptional reservation of EU to mean that all those addresses are within the borders of the European Union, but not on a single country.
Ok! but... ...as said above, the country: attribute within a given inet(6)num object may have more than one values. ...imho! you should be allowed to actually freely use EU as a country: attribute; due to the fact that it's a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code...as you can see: <quote> "*Exceptionally reserved codes – codes that have * *been reserved for a particular use at special request* * of a national ISO member body, governments or * *international organizations. For example, the code * *UK has been reserved at the request of the United * *Kingdom so that it cannot be used for any other * *country.*" </quote> __ https://www.iso.org/glossary-for-iso-3166.html#:~:text=Exceptionally%20reser... . ...a staff could confirm, if it's actually the case :-/ When the Staff shares a concern, i understand that the community, via the working group, has the opportunity consider how to solve the issue. For that reason, and other already mentioned, i'm ok with a *default* (not mandatory; but still multiple) *meaning* for a country: attribute value; superseded (if available) by a (also optional; maybe multiple too?) geofeed: attribute value. ...i have also expressed interest on an idea willing to differentiate country: attributes, in creating another one...i would, then prefer to keep the existing attribute as is and add a second one with the new meaning...if it could help more in documentation improvement ;-) Hope this clarifies my point, brother. Shalom, --sb.
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