Guten Tag Wilfried, On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:14:14PM +0200, Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet wrote: [...]
Questions? Han Wills (Unis): as a multinational, really concerned about the RFC2725 issue. Cannot use it because some objects are in other registries, but they are still in the RIPE database, and security not enabled. Because they have to go to other objects as well, it would be really helpful to have mirroring between the registries. [...]
as I am quite sure that there was no Han Wil(l)s registered for RIPE39 and as I am quite sure that it was me asking these questions it might be a good idea to replace "Han Wil(l)s" by "Holger Muenx". I am working for UUNET. I will go and try to improve my pronouncation while talking into microphones in huge halls. ;-) Thanks for the detailed minutes, Holger M|nx EMEA Access & Backbone Networks UUNET Deutschland GmbH Tel. +49 231 972 0 Sebrathweg 20 Fax. +49 231 972 1111 44149 Dortmund, Germany Holger.Muenx@de.uu.net http://www.de.uu.net/