In message <2054871960.332293.1601468662795@mail.yahoo.com>, "ripedenis@yahoo.co.uk" <ripedenis@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
This is another action point that has been open for 4 years. We either need= to progress it or cancel it.https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/= 2016-May/005240.html It is basically asking for full history of existing and deleted resource ob= jects. In the link above on this NWI it mentions some doubt over the value = of full history. So the main questions are,=C2=A0-"is full history more use= ful than partial history?"=C2=A0-"is history of deleted objects, that don't= currently exist in the database, useful?"If so then I don't see any reason= not to provide it.
Please put me down as ALWAYS being in favor of MORE information. When doing research, less is never more. On a related but different point...
Let me give some background on this. Objects in the database are accessed b= y their primary key (pkey). In the case of an INETNUM object, for instance,= this is an address range...
Actually, not to quibble or anything, but unless I'm mistaken, the query string has to be either a single IP address or a single CIDR. I only mention this because some allocations are what I would call "funny", i.e. they are not expressible as a single CIDR. Regards, rfg