Hi Denis, Colleagues,
On 8 Feb 2023, at 13:36, denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
It depends what Hank wants to do with these objects. The ftp files are filtered to remove any data that could possibly be considered as personal data. So you only get a limited amount of data for each object. He may still end up having to query for the full object data.
(In my dreams) what we really need is a form of authenticated queries so you can download full versions of all objects that you maintain, without any limits or filtering...
cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
Authenticated queries have been on the DB team's backlog for a while. If there is interest I suggest we turn it into an NWI and prioritise it. A limit is normally applied when querying for objects that could contain personal data: https://apps.db.ripe.net/docs/12.Access-to-Personal-Data/#blocking-access-to... With authenticated queries, there will be no query limit for objects maintained by the user's own maintainer. Also an unfiltered object can be returned without limit for a user's own objects. Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC