Hi Denis, You have an interesting question. Possibly, as Laurent suggested, we could inform the users to use geofeed instead of geoloc. On 12/04/2022 21:17, denis walker via db-wg wrote:
Right now far more people are using "geoloc:" than "geofeed:".
This is definitely true. However, in this comparison keep in mind that while geoloc is a lat,long specified for each inetnum, a geofeed can be associated to a parent inetnum and contain definitions valid for multiple more-specific inetnums (and prefixes).
denis$ zgrep "^geofeed:" ~/Desktop/ripe.db.inetnum.gz | wc -l 289
including inet6num they are 352
denis$ zgrep "^remarks:\s*geofeed" ~/Desktop/ripe.db.inetnum.gz | wc -l 13
There are 537 inet(6)nums with "Geofeed" remarks (uppercase G) and 19 with "geofeed". Ciao, Massimo