Dear members,

First of all, I would like to apologize if you received this message more than once. I am sending this e-mail on behalf of my colleague, Stamatios Maritsas, who is a master student of System and Network Engineering MSc. (SNE/OS3) program at University of Amsterdam and currently conducting his master's thesis project titled:  "A decentralized system for automatic exchange of policies for BGP configurations”.

The purpose of the questionnaire (only 3 questions :)), that you will find in the following link, is to help him gather important information based on your implemented BGP routing policy, which will help design an exchange policy system in the most efficient way. I want also to inform you that all the data that will be gathered and used will be only for research purposes and fully anonymized.

Link of questionnaire:

Thank you in advance for your time, and I hope that you can help him/us!

Kind Regards,
Stavros Konstantaras

Stavros Konstantaras
Internet Research Engineer, NLnet Labs 
Science Park 400, 1098 XH, Amsterdam

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