Dear DB-WG members

I would like to put myself forward as a candidate for the vacant positions as a co-chair of the RIPE DB-WG. Many of you know me (for better or worse) but I will still elaborate on my relevant experience and motivation.

I am a physics graduate (Leeds 1977) and software technology post graduate (Liverpool 1998) and started in the IT business in 1978. I started working for the RIPE NCC in May 2001 as a software developer in the C language working in the RIPE Database department. The date is important as I started a week after the current design of the database was put into production. I have worked on, with, around, inside this RIPE Database for the whole of it's productive life. I worked on a 60% re-write of the C code software in 2004 and, as the Database Business Analyst, wrote the specifications and test cases for the whole system during the complete re-write in java in (about) 2012. I completely re-wrote the RIPE Database documentation in 2014. I was the lead software engineer in setting up the Afrinic Database and I modified and merged the ARIN and RIPE data and set up the first instance of the Afrinic Database contents. I have continued to maintain an active interest in the RIPE Database and the RIPE community since leaving the RIPE NCC in 2015.

Although I was labeled as an engineer and then analyst I have always taken a holistic view of the database. I have been involved in every aspect of the RIPE Database technology, life cycle, design, development, testing, maintenance, operation, policy, legal, documentation, training, first and second line support, planning, analysis, statistics, DB-WG liaison, other RIPE NCC departments support, RIPE Meeting presentations, RIPE Labs articles, brainstorming future ideas. One particularly relevant responsibility was to keep track of open issues, make sure they didn't fall off the table and encourage discussions on the DB-WG mailing lists until decisions were made. That was where being an analyst with OCD was very useful. Detail is my middle name. I had this responsibility for several years.

My overall knowledge of, and passion for, the whole RIPE Database is very extensive and this last point about tracking issues is an important skill as a co-chair. I have always supported the RIPE community and believe I can offer a good service to the community in this role as one of the co-chairs of the DB-WG.


From: Piotr Strzyzewski <>
Sent: Monday, 31 October 2016, 18:44
Subject: [db-wg] WG Chairs Selection

Dear DB-WG Members

As agreed during DB-WG session at RIPE69 Meeting in London on
06.11.2014, the WG Chair Selection procedure is executed at yearly
intervals. This means that it is about time to run it this year.

This is the call for interested parties. Interested parties have 2 weeks
to make their interest known on this mailing list. All members of the
community are encourage to make a discussion and express their approval
or otherwise of the presented candidates.

After two weeks the chairs will declare consensus.

Since there is a limit of 3 co-chairs, if at the end of the discussion
phase there will be more than 3 proposed co-chairs then a call will be
made for any of the candidates to withdraw.

If there still will be more than 3 candidates then names will be put
into a hat and the first three names drawn from the hat will take on the
role of chairs for the next 12 months.

As you may know, Job Snijders decided at the RIPE73, last week, to step
down. Moreover, Nigel Titley declare that when a new chair is found, he
would like to step down as well. This means, that the only reason Nigel
is staying on, is not to leave the WG with only one chair.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my interest in being
co-chair for another term.

All the best,

gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski